Tuition and Fees
Application fee: $100 per student to reserve the student’s spot for the upcoming school year. This fee is non-refundable.
Books: This fee depends on the level of the student and what course is being taken. The exact cost is difficult to determine, but every effort will be made to make this fee as affordable as possible. Books and materials typically will range from $300 to $400 per student per year. This covers all books and student supplies. We encourage families to have siblings share books where appropriate, as well as find books used. Parents do need to supply daily lunches/snacks.
Tuition: $725 per child.
Tuition can be paid in two ways.
​Paid in full on or before July 15th.
Paying half on or before July 15th; the second half paid on or before December 15th.
Volunteer Commitment
JMJ Co-op is a homeschool support organization seeking to assist families in their homeschool endeavors. Although we have a drop-off component to our program, to keep families learning together and to keep costs low, a volunteer commitment is required. Parents are expected to spend three days a month volunteering in the classroom. If parents cannot volunteer, they may choose to have an abled person, such as a grandparent, fulfill their duties. As long as the individual is at least 18 years of age, physically able to engage and teach students, and has their clearances on file, they can volunteer.
We want to encourage all families to meet their volunteer commitment as this is a fundamental feature of our program. If a family cannot meet their volunteer commitment, our program may not be the right homeschool program for your family and may be grounds for dismissal from the program.
To volunteer at the co-op, all required clearances must be on file at St. Joseph’s office. All clearances and background checks need to be renewed every five years (60 months).
Required Clearances
The Clearances Required by the PA Department of Education are as follows:
Federal Fingerprint Background Check (FBI)--for persons not a PA resident for 10 continuous years
Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers–for persons who are a PA resident for 10 continuous years
PA State Police Criminal Background Check
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
The diocese further requires a one-time completion for all volunteers of the following:
Safe Environment Part 1: Protecting God’s Children
Safe Environment Part 2: Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse
Sign-Ups for the 2024-25 School Year
Returning Families- Sign up from February 20th- March 12th
New Families- Sign-Ups beginning March 13th